Society for Open Inquiry in Behavioral Science
We are scholars and practitioners in the behavioral sciences committed to free inquiry and truth seeking. In healthy scientific fields, ideas are debunked rather than censored, and their proponents are debated rather than punished. We are dedicated to maintaining open inquiry, civil debate, and rigorous standards in the behavioral sciences. Our activities include hosting academic conferences, publishing an open inquiry peer-reviewed journal (JOIBS), and producing other scholarly content such as books and popular press pieces.
Contact us: OpenInquiryBehavioralSciences@gmail.com
The Journal of Open Inquiry in Behavioral Science (JOIBS)
JOIBS is the journal of the Society for Open Inquiry in Behavioral Science. The Society is committed to free inquiry and rigorous standards. It is a forum for intellectual exchange and dissemination of empirically-based scholarship in any area of behavioral science, broadly construed. It allows post-publication peer commentary. Unsolicited manuscripts may be submitted at any time. JOIBS only publishes empirical papers and commentaries on those empirical papers. For more information, click here.
Announcements / News

Featured Founding Members
SOIBS members include many eminent academics, scientists, practitioners, and public intellectuals. We feature some of these members here on a periodic rotating basis.

Steven Pinker

Roy F. Baumeister

Leda Cosmides

Lee Jussim

Richard E. Redding

George Yancey

Michael Shermer

Sally Satel

Vernon Smith

Elizabeth Loftus

James Herbert